Ashley Fenzl Crossman, Ph.D.



Sociology Guide Author & Contributor

Qualitative Research - Definition and Methods »

Sociological Theories - An Overview of Major Frameworks »

Poverty - Definition in Sociology and Types »

How Sociology Defines Social Oppression »

The Sociology of Gender »

Social Structure: Definition and Overview in Sociology »

Purposive Sampling Definition and Types »

Power Definitions and Examples in Sociology »

Sociology of Religion »

Three Biological Theories of Deviant Behavior and Crime »

The Definition of Popular Culture in Sociology »

Sociology: Definition and Overview of the Field »

Understanding Critical Theory »

The Sociology of Social Inequality »

Feminist Theory: Definition and Discussion »

How Sociologists Define Social Control »

Moral Panic - Definition in Sociology »

A Sociological Definition of Class Conflict and Struggle »

Understanding Meritocracy from a Sociological Perspective »

An Overview of Labeling Theory »

Overview of Sociology's Conflict Theory »

Strain Theory and "Deviance" »

Sociology Theories of Deviance and Deviant Behavior »

What Is Symbolic Interactionism? »

Types of Sampling Designs Used in Sociology »

Sociological Imagination | Definition and Discussion »

Case Study - Definition and Types in Sociology »

The History Behind Sociology »

Profiles of Famous Sociologists, Past and Present »

A Brief Biography of Karl Marx »

Research and Theory Behind the Sociology of Education »

Functionalism & Functionalist Perspective and Theory »

Medicalization: Experiences as Medical Conditions »

How Psychology Defines and Explains Deviant Behavior »

The Study of Suicide by Emile Durkheim »

The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life - An Overview »

How Sociologists Define Marriage »

What Is the Social Learning Theory? »

Definition of Sociology Terms: Hidden Curriculum »

The Sociological Definition of Anomie »

Definition of the Disengagement Theory of Aging »

A Sociological Melting Pot: Homogenizing Cultures »

15 Critical Sociology Studies and Books »

Alienation and Social Alienation: Definitions »

Positivism in the Study of Sociology »

C. Wright Mills — Biography, Theory, Works in Sociology »

An Overview of Game Theory in Sociology »

Overview of the Book Stigma by Erving Goffman »

An Overview to Chaos Theory in Sociology »

Structural Equation Modeling »

Sociolinguistics - Language, Dialects and Society »

Sociology of Health and Illness »

Custom: Definition in the Study of Sociology »

What Is a Quota Sample in Sociology? »

Race and Ethnicity in Sociology »

Scapegoat, Scapegoating, and Scapegoat Theory »

Self in the Study of Sociology »

Understanding Primary and Secondary Groups in Sociology »

Understanding Social Exchange Theory »

Biography of Max Weber »

Patriarchy - Definition in the Study of Sociology »

A Brief Guide to Modernization Theory »

Deductive and Inductive Reasoning in Sociology »

Simple Random Sampling - What It Is and How to Do It »

Understanding the Phenomenon of McDonaldization »

Presenting Data in Graphic Form (Charts, Graphs, Maps) »

Definition of a Post-Industrial Society »

The Definition of Ethnicity in Sociology »

Private and Public Spheres in Sociology »

The 5 Ethical Considerations in Sociological Research »

George Herbert Mead - Bio & Theory in Sociology »

Marxist Sociology - Definition, Theory and Research »

A Guide to the Relationship Between Sports and Society »

Understanding Political Process Theory »

Correlation Analysis in Sociological Research »

An Introduction to Socioeconomic Status »

What Is a Convenience Sample? »

What Is the Definition of Capitalism? »

Secondary Data Analysis (Pros and Cons) »

Social System - Definition in the Study of Sociology »

Definition of Social Distance in Psychology »

Resocialization Definition, Discussion and Examples »

Understanding Stratified Samples and How to Make Them »

Sociology of Work and Industry »

What a Hypothesis Is and How to Formulate One »

Participant Observation -- Definition »

Ritual - Definition in the Study of Sociology »

Using Ethnomethodology to Understand Social Order »

Role Conflict - Definition and Examples »

Materialism - Definition in the Study of Sociology »

Snowball Sampling: How to Do It and Pros and Cons »

Understanding Cultural Materialism in Sociology »

The Asch Conformity Experiments and Social Pressure »

Definition of Reliability in Research Context »

Examples of Self-Fulfilling Prophecy in Sociology »

What Pilot Studies Are and Why They Matter »

Sociology: Achieved Status Versus Ascribed Status »

Theoretical Perspective - Definition & Examples in Sociology »

Definitions of Indexes and Scales in Research »

How Systematic Random Sampling Work »

A Summary of Durkheim's 'Division of Labor in Society' »

Erving Goffman - Biography and Works »

Emile Durkheim and His Role in the History of Sociology »

Exploitation - Definition in the Study of Sociology »

Validity in Sociology: Reliability in Research »

Reference Group -- Definition and Examples »

The Concept of Gemeinschaft and Gesellschaft »

What Is Cultural Lag? »

Social Movement »

Counterculture - Definition in the Study of Sociology »

The Social Theory of Decentering »

Internalization »

A Guide to Ethnomethodology »

Social Mobility: A Definition »

Pastoral Society »

What Is the Resource Mobilization Theory? »

Hypothetico-Deductive Method - Sociology Definition »

Comparative Perspective »

Auguste Comte and His Role in the History of Sociology »

The History of Sexuality by Michel Foucault - Overview »

Definition of Dramaturgical Perspective »

Folkways, Mores, Taboos, and Laws »

Social Fact - Definition in the Study of Sociology »

Relationship Between Deviance and Mental Illness »

Overview of Social Phenomenology »

3 Causes of Deindustrialization »

What Is an Industrial Society? »

Types of Surveys for Sociology Research »

Overview of Sociobiology Theory »

Definition of Interpretive Sociology »

Cluster Analysis »

7 Different Types of Crimes »

What is a Religious Sect and How Does it Differ From Denominations?< »

Secondary Data and Secondary Analysis - An Overview »

What Are Formal Organizations? »

How to Define Sanctions in Sociology »

The Sociology of the Family Unit »

Cash Nexus »

Demography - Statistical Study of Human Populations »

Matriarchy - Definition in the Study of Sociology »

An Explanation of Dependency Theory in Sociology »

Welfare State - Definition in the Study of Sociology »

Mode Of Production in Marxism »

Linear Regression Statistics and Analysis »

The Tipping Point by Malcolm Gladwell »

Horticultural Society - Definition in Sociology »

Sociology Definition: Sick Role »

What Is Ethnography in the Social Sciences? »

Kinship: Definition in the Study of Sociology »

What Is an Agrarian Society? »

Definition of the Situation in Sociology »

Pierre Bourdieu Biography and His Work »

Social Change - Definition in the Study of Sociology »

How Sociology Can Prepare You for a Career in Business »

Constructing a Questionnaire »

Class Consciousness and False Consciousness Definitions »

Definition of Idiographic and Nomothetic »

Master Status: Definition and Examples in Sociology »

Matrifocality - Definition in the Study of Sociology »

Learn About Rational Choice Theory »

Nickel and Dimed: On Not Getting By In America »

Deviance and Crime: How Sociologists Study Them »

Xenocentrism: Valuing Other Cultures More Than Your Own< »

Typology - Definition in the Study of Sociology »

Life and Work of Herbert Spencer »

Variance and Standard Deviation »

Where to Find Full-Text Sociology Journals Online »

Constructing a Deductive Theory »

Levels and Scales of Measurement in Statistics »

Birth Rate - Definition in the Study of Sociology »

Grounded Theory -- Definition and Overview in Sociology »

Victimless Crime »

How to Use Focus Groups in Marketing Research »

Content Analysis: Research Method to Study Social Life »

Types of Scales in Social Science Research »

Understanding Expressive Roles and Task Roles »

Path Analysis -- What it Is and How to Use It »

Diffusion in Sociology: Definition, Theory, Examples »

Robert Merton's Theory of Ritualism »

Unobtrusive Measures in Sociology Experiments »

Understanding Division Of Labor »

Confidence Intervals and Confidence Levels in Sociology »

Groupthink - Definition in the Study of Sociology »

Immersion: Cultural, Language, and Virtual »

The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism »

Mean, Median, and Mode - Measures of Central Tendency »

Spurious | Definition, Overview and Examples »

How to Conduct an Interview in Sociology Research »

Convergence Theory | Definition, Discussion and Examples »

The Definition of Deviance Amplification »

How Opportunity Structures Affect Your Life »

Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) - Definition »

Communication Structure »

Subgroup - Definition in the Study of Sociology »

Interest Group - Definition in the Study of Sociology »

Collective Behavior - Definition of Term »

Robert K. Merton (1910-2003) - Sociologist Profile »

Author, Sociologist, and Activist W.E.B. Du Bois »

Cluster Sample in Sociology Research »

The Life of Talcott Parsons and His Influence on Sociology »

Typification - Definition in the Study of Sociology »

Data Sources For Sociological Research »

Data Cleaning for Data Analysis in Sociology »

Patrimonialism - Definition in the Study of Sociology »

Biography of Sociologist Charles Horton Cooley »

The Meaning of "Other" in Sociology »

Military Sociology »

Secularization: Definition and Examples »

The Demographic Transition Definition in Sociology »

Sociological Definition of Degradation Ceremony »

A Introduction to Sociology Statistics »

Dominant Ideology Thesis »

Intervening Variable Definition and Examples in Sociology »

Affordable Qualitative Data Software Programs »

Direct Observation »

How Does The Emergent Norm Theory Work? »

How To Construct an Index for Research »

A Review of Software Tools for Quantitative Data Analysis »

The Life Course Perspective: The Culture of Living »

What Is an Age Structure? »

Lambda and Gamma Levels of Association »

An Introduction to Medical Anthropology »

Index of Qualitative Variation (IQV) »

How Sociology Can Prepare You For Work in the Public Sector< »

Who Was Alexis de Tocqueville? »

Aggregates and Social Aggregates in Sociology »

4 Tools to Help Sociology Students to Find Scholarships »

Altruism - Definition in the Study of Sociology »

What Is a Cohort? Definition and Uses »

Pursing a Career as a Police Officer »

What Is Normal Distribution? »

What You Can Do With a Degree in Sociology »

Aligning and Realigning Actions Are Part of Impression »

Juergen Habermas »

Status Generalization in Sociology -- Definition and Discussion »

Anthony Giddens: Biography of British Sociologist »

Constructing an Inductive Theory in Sociology »

Social Darwinism »

White-Collar Crime - Glossary Definition »

Authority Definition in the Study of Sociology »

What Is a Sampling Error? - Sociology Definition »

Discussion and Examples of Expectation States Theory »

Dependency Ratio »

Who Was Georg Simmel to Sociology? »

Status Inconsistency - Definition in Sociology »

How to Get Started on a Literature Review »

Applied Sociology »

What is an Ideal Type? »

Control Variable - Definition in Sociology »

Savage Inequalities: Children in America's Schools »

Understanding Society Through Cultural Artifacts »

'Democracy in America' - an Overview of the Book »

Controlled Experiments: Definition and Examples »

The Social Transformation of American Medicine »

Principal Components and Factor Analysis »